Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The first 15 years missed

Well the idea of blogging has never really appealed to me, whether it's because I haven't had the time, the techincal knowledge or the know how ............ or all of the above, but finally I realised what better way to document my travel and experiences, than to write a form of "scrapbook". Whilst I was busy living life it seems that the good old fashion paper scrapbook has been replaced by the high-tech version, and here we are. Technology seems to have traveled at 100 mph whilst my back was turned and now I feel like how my nan felt when my dad gave her a mobile phone last year ........ it's going to take a while to know what the hells is going on, but by the time I take my next adventure .......... I hope I'm up to speed with "gadgets", "HTML" and all the other lingo that is flying straight over my head right now. My nan on the other hand has handed the phone back.

I'm not full of my own self importance, and not for one minute do I believe that people would be entertained or interested by my dive trips, my beach vacations or pictures of how I went home to London and got "tanked" in the local pub, so I'm going to try and keep this space for the adventurous and exciting episodes of my life.

I'm starting about 15 years too late to be honest. I have been lucky enough to do my fair share of traveling (see above map) and for the poeple who know me, knows this has come with a few good stories, and a lot of good memories. I'm either too old to remember the detail to make them worth wrtitting down, or too bored of telling them for the gallizionth time. I'll add a few pictures ............ and that that will have to suffice for the past.

These are a couple of pictures from my motorbike tour of Peru with my good adventure buddy Cameron, in Sep of 2009. Pictures speak for themselves, but it was one of the best trips I've done, and this is to be repleated in Veitnam very soon.

Trekking through China, along the great wall, down into Xain and the terracotta warriors, then onto Hong Kong was also a pretty "raw" and cultural trip. Again a few pictures will have to surfice. Please take note of the local cusine. Whilst in Rome do as the Romans right.